Yomi Robotic Dental Implant System

Missing teeth can often be corrected with dental implants. This restorative treatment includes a titanium post that can be topped with a crown, bridge, or dentures for a natural-looking replacement. Here at I.Dentical – All About Your Smile, we often utilize Yomi robotic dental implant technology, which allows the procedure to be performed with enhanced accuracy.

Cosmetic dentist Rafael Yanez, DDS is highly experienced with the placement of dental implants and revitalizing patients’ smiles, and our practice is currently the only one in Philadelphia offering innovative and advanced Yomi technology.

What Is Yomi Robotic Dental Implant Surgery?

Yomi is a robotic-assisted system that helps dentists place dental implants with increased accuracy and precision. The FDA-cleared surgery tool aids the pre-operative and surgical processes by incorporating thorough CBCT imaging and navigational guidance of implant placement. This treatment option typically minimizes the time a patient needs to spend in the dental chair, and can also reduce discomfort and bleeding.

What Is Yomi Robotic Dental Implant Surgery?

For the right candidates, Yomi can address cosmetic and functional tooth concerns. The system offers multiple benefits and can result in an enhanced smile. Many patients opt for Yomi because of its:

  • Minimally invasive nature – The procedure typically involves smaller incisions and either no or minimal sutures.
  • Faster recovery time – The smaller incisions often lead to a faster recovery time.
  • Efficient and quick treatment – The detailed three-dimensional imagery achieved at the beginning of the process reduces the chance your dentist will miss something. This thoroughness can provide a more efficient and quick procedure.
  • Improved accuracy – The robotic-assistance complements a dentist’s skills for precise guidance and a high level of care.

How Is Yomi Robotic Dental Implant Surgery Performed?

The Yomi process begins with digital scanning and imaging. A patient’s jaw, teeth, and bone structure are scanned with CBCT technology and that imagery creates physical cues. Those cues guide the dentist’s hand via a handpiece to the exact location and angle for precise implant placement. This can help prevent unnecessary shaking or shifting, which in turn can improve patient safety. The technology automatically stops drilling once the dentist has reached the proper depth for implant placement. Additional visual confirmation is displayed on the Yomi chairside monitor.

Our team remains in control of the Yomi robot throughout the dental implant surgery. The procedure is typically quick, and the state-of-the-art technology allows for smaller incisions and the use of smaller implants. Once placed, minimal or no sutures are needed. The recovery period can be decreased, and patients are often satisfied with their natural-looking results.

For more information about Yomi robotic surgery and dental implants, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yanez, please contact our office today.